Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)
The pastoral care of St. Joseph Catholic Church has been entrusted to the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT).
Who We Are
Founded in 1958 by Fr. James Flanagan, the greater family of SOLT is composed of the Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, the Sisters’ Society of Apostolic Life and the SOLT Lay Association. Through the building up of community in prayer, graced friendships and through apostolic service to God’s people we seek to be a profound and radical expression of the union and communion which is at the foundation of the Church.
Disciples of Jesus through Mary, living in Marian-Trinitarian communion, serving on ecclesial family teams in areas of deepest apostolic need.
The Ecclesial Family Team at St. Joseph
Fr. Ogie Rosalinas, SOLT
Do You Feel Called to SOLT?
If you feel called to the life and charism of SOLT and think that you may have a vocation to become a SOLT Sister, SOLT Brother, SOLT priest, or SOLT Laity check out our website for more information:
Feel free to contact Fr. Ogie for more information. 361.882.7912
You can also feel free to contact our Vocations Directors for more information:
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Albers, SOLT
Vocations Servant American Region
SOLT Laity
Priests and Brothers
Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God Shallow, SOLT
(210) 971-0073
Fr. Mark Wendling, SOLT
(361) 767-9567